Home Page St Michael's R.C. Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Mihangel Sant

Dosbarth Glas - Mrs Dowding

Our mission statement: In God's love we pray, play, learn and grow together.


Croeso i Dosbarth Glas!
Welcome to the Class Page of Year 5!


Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

Spring term is here and we will be finding out about Africa.  Our topic is so called Amazing Africa.  As part of this topic we will not unfortunately be having a school trip to Africa however we will be finding out about the geography of Africa, the people, the creatures and of course the history, as we find out about Ancient Egypt.  

Spring term also allows us to embrace our Welsh Culture and Language so after half term we will be involved with the annual Eisteddfod and all things Welsh.

I look forward to working with you all again this term.  Just a reminder that any concerns or worries you might have should be addressed to the office and not via our learning platform.  I will endeavour to return your call or email as soon as I can. Happy children are productive children and then they flourish which as you know is always our priority.

Many thanks to you all for your support last term and a great big thank you for all the special gifts and kind words shown before the Christmas break.

With Regards

Mrs Dowding

























Growing Together Calendar
