Home Page St Michael's R.C. Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Mihangel Sant

Catholic Life and Mission

Catholic Social Teaching (CST)

CST addresses the political, social and economic issues facing our time. It guides us on how we should live out our faith, and respond to God’s call to work towards a common good. 

The key themes of CST are:

  • Care for creation
  • Option for the poor
  • Solidarity and peace
  • Community and participation
  • Dignity in work 
  • Human dignity

At St Michaels this year, we will be learning about these key themes half termly in our RE lessons through a programme called Love In Action by Caritas Westminster. Then we will use a method called see, judge, act with our pupil voice groups to analyse and respond to the needs of different communities, therefore putting love into action.  

We believe we are all called to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope this year to make a difference to our neighbours locally, as well as our neighbours across the world. 

Lend a helping hand

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In year 2 this term we have been learning about the story of The Good Samaritan and the importance of helping others no matter who they are. We also learned a song, called 'Lend a helping hand', which encourages us all to pitch in and help every one we can.

Supporting the local community - Pill Mill food bank - 22.10.24

Letter of thanks from Pill Mill

Poppy Appeal 2024

Advent 2024 - Mission Together Calendar

Supporting the local community - Year 2 Carol singing at Spring Gardens - 17.12,24
