Home Page St Michael's R.C. Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Michael Sant

Dosbarth Gwyrdd

Growing Together Calendar

Curriculum Web Summer 2024

In God's love we pray, play, learn and grow together.





Dear Parents/ Carers and Children

I would like to welcome you back to the Summer Term of Year 4.  I really don't know where the time has gone!

After a very short Spring term I am looking forward to catching up with planned activities and would like to reassure you all that a Summer Trip has been planned. We will be going to Dan Yr Ogof Caves in June so please log on to Parent Pay to complete the permission slip and make payments when you are able to

Summer term is one of transition and as such some children become a little anxious about the next steps for them.  If you are concerned by anything please let me know via the appropriate channels.

In May we will be preparing for our Class Assembly and would like to invite you to the E- safety Workshop which will run immediately after it.

Once again thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Dowding

















