Home Page St Michael's R.C. Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Mihangel Sant

Mini Vinnie's

The Mini Vinnies at St Michael's are dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. We meet weekly to pray and discuss how we can help make a difference in communities locally, nationally and globally. 





Mini Vinnies 2024-2025

Mini Vinnies 2023-2024

During the Autumn term 1 we collected food donations for the food bank at Pill Mill. Then in Autumn term 2 we raised money for The Royal British Legion by selling poppy merchandise to our school community.


In the Spring term, we took part in the Big Walk for Lent and the money raised was sent to CAFOD to help people affected by climate change. 


Then during Summer term we are hoping to visit some of the homes in the Pillgwenlly area and spend some quality time with people in our local community. 


Finally, we would like to say a thank you to all parents and carers for your generosity this academic year.
