Home Page St Michael's R.C. Primary School Ysgol Gynradd Gatholig Michael Sant

Dosbarth Porffor

Welcome to Year 6

Croeso i Dosbarth Porffor!

Our Mission

In God's love, we pray, play, learn and grow together!


Croeso i'r Dosbarth Porffor's Class Page!

This Year has gone so quickly and we are now into our final term at St Michael's! We've got such an exciting term planned!
Our topic is Gifts & Talents, where we will reflect on our own Gifts and Talents and the importance of self-belief in preparation for our transition to High School.
We will be displaying our work through different genres of writing, including Blogs, Instruction Writing, a formal E-Mail of complaint and a personification poem.

We have our Residential trip on Wednesday 1st May 2024 - Friday 3rd May 2024 at Gilwern. The children have been excited all year and cannot wait to experience all of the different activities and pick up a range of skills.

We also have our Leavers Trip planned to LegoLand, Windsor. The date is Friday 12th July 2024. Letters will go out soon and our plan is to fund raise in school to take the pressure off parents to pay the full price after paying for our Residential Trip.


We have Transition days at the High School on the Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July 2024.


We also have our Leavers Assembly after school on Wednesday 17th July 2024.

Make sure you are connected to Seesaw and visit our Twitter page to check for updates and information!😊

Take care,

Mr J Beckett.

Growing Together Calendar
