All children must wear school uniform, which is available in many Newport shops and can also be purchased from the school’s supplier Macey Sports, and sensible flat black school shoes.
Summer Uniform (worn from Easter until October half term)
Blue and white checked/striped school summer dress or grey school trousers/shorts/pinafore, light blue polo shirt and royal blue jumper/cardigan
Winter Uniform (worn from October half term until Easter)
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore, light blue shirt with school tie and royal blue jumper/cardigan
P.E. Kits
Children must have a PE Kit in school in a named drawstring bag. This is a plain white t-shirt or polo shirt and navy/black shorts/leggings/jogging bottoms with a black/navy jacket. This should be worn with black daps or trainers.
When children are representing the school at a sporting activity the school has purchased a specific kit for this purpose.
All children’s clothes must have their name inside and if your child brings home an item of clothing you know is not his/ hers please can you return it to school the next day so it can be returned to the correct child.