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SENCOM Parent and Carer Review

Please see the following information that the Local Authority have asked us to share with you. This is for information only - should you wish to respond, please do so using the information provided, there is no need to reply to this email.


 As you are probably aware, a review of the SENCOM service that Newport Local Authority presently supports as part of the South East Wales consortia is currently being undertaken by Welsh Local Government Association. The purpose of this is to review the current service, obtain the views of all stakeholders and develop the service to ensure it provides an effective service to all pupils across all regions. In order to achieve this, it is vital the views of Newport stakeholders, including Parents and Carers are effectively captured. 


As such, WLGA have circulated the attached for completion. 


Please can all feedback forms be completed by Friday 5thJuly.

Documents can be found at

